
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Main Financial Institutions

The main financial actors are required to disclose their financing activities (including the performance of their Deloitte ESG investment schemes ) to the public under the regulations , as well as their intended recipients of investment funds. A number of financial institutions became compliant with the regulation in 2011, representing 34 of the largest financial institutions globally. The Safe investing regulation came into force in 2006, and the options to comply with it became particularly attractive for the compatible organisations who invest in Deloitte ESG greenfield projects - those that did not have a specific project or opportunity in place to generate finance prior to its launch. Transparency requirements As a result of the EU directive on Commission disclosure requirements, the regulators have introduced substantially stringent requirements to any issuers who organise, sell or promote the sale of equity or other assets and seek the investment of funds to listed secu